Cardano Blackboard
Die Blackboard Serie
Hier findest du eine Serie von kurzen Erklärungsvideos die wir für die Cardano-Community in unregelmäßigen Abständen produzieren. (Aktuell leider nur auf Englisch)
Für die Episoden #1 bis #8 haben wir uns mit ADASaur zusammengetan und seit der Episode #9 haben wir das Glück, Cryptogazers als Stimme zu haben.
Wir versuchen alle paar Wochen eine neue Episode der Blackboard Serie zu drehen. Nicht vergessen den Abo-Knopf zu drücken, damit du keine verpasst.
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Episode #1
What is the spending password?
Find out what the spending password is for and why it doesn't protect your seed words.
Episode #2
What is staking?
Cardano is a proof of stake system. Learn what staking is and how it works.
Episode #3
What is a hardware wallet?
Learn what a hardware wallet is and how it works.
Episode #4
What is the transaction assurance level?
If you are using Yoroi or Daedalus, you will certainly have noticed "low", "medium" and "high" already. Watch this video to understand what this means.
Episode #5
What is plausible deniability?
Plausible deniability can take your crypto security to the next level, but it's not something you can achieve by flipping a switch in the settings.
Episode #6
What are epochs and slots?
Learn what epochs and slots are and why this notion of an epoch makes Cardano highly scalable.
Episode #7
What is a 51% attack?
A majority attack on Cardano is virtually impossible, but like any decentralized system Cardano would be not resistant to an adversary holding 51% of the resource. Learn what a so called 51% attack is and what an attacker could do. The video also explains how chain selections works and what a double-spend attack would look like.
Episode #8
What is a Lovelace?
You've probably heard of a Satoshi before, but do you know what a Lovelace is?
Episode #9
What are the new Shelley address types?
In this episode we'll explain the 4 different address types that Shelley will introduce: base addresses, pointer addresses, reward addresses and enterprise addresses.
Episode #10
What is desirability?
Learn what desirability is and how it helps you to select a good stake pool. The video also explains the terms reliability, saturation, pledge, pool costs and profit margin.
Episode #11
What is the number of desired pools?
What is the number of desired pools and how does it ensure decentralization?
Episode #12
What is formal verification?
In this video, we explain the concept of formal verification, what a mission-critical system is, and why Cardano is built in Haskell.
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