
We are ADAtainment

We are adding value to the Cardano ecosystem by focusing on both entertaining and informative content.

Furthermore, we love Cardano, eat pretzels, and drink beer.

Cardano Heartbeat




Time in Cardano is divided into epochs and slots. A slot is a placeholder that can be filled with a block. Roughly every 20 seconds there's a new block and exactly every 5 days a new epoch starts.

The last block was created in the slot of the epoch by stake pool . (called slot leader)

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Cardano Community

Cardano’s minimum viable on-chain governance framework outlines the transition towards on-chain governance, starting with an interim period for bootstrapping via formal rules. Key dates for community involvement include May 28 for registration opening, June 10 for closing, and June 13-23 for voting. An interim Constitutional Committee of seven members, including three elected community members, will oversee the initial phase. Community members passionate about governance are encouraged to apply.

Read the full article on cardano.org
On May 23, 2024, Cardano’s SanchoNet achieved a historic milestone by initiating its first hard fork using CIP-1694 governance. Intersect seeks community input for drafting the Cardano Constitution with workshops worldwide. The Cardano Foundation introduced the MACS algorithm for efficient coin selection on UTxO blockchains at the IEEE conference. Other news includes updates from Dr. Lars Brünjes, CNTools, RealFi, leaderlogs, Catalyst Working Group, and SanchoNet.

Read the full article on cardano.org
This week, the ledger team focused on conformance testing, completing tests for CERT and RATIFY rules and improving the constraint-generators framework. They also fixed the stake pool operator stake distribution calculation for voting. The Plutus team developed guardrail scripts for Conway governance actions, fine-tuned the PlutusV3 cost model, and collaborated with MLabs on new bitwise primitives. The Mithril team worked on Cardano transaction certification, scaling proof generation, low-latency certification, and a new explorer page for SPOs. They upgraded the testing network and removed deprecated commands. Work continued on SanchoNet documentation and the DRep Pioneer program with Intersect. Fund12 reached the proposal finalization stage, and development on Hermes and Catalyst voices progressed well. The education team is planning the next Cardano Developer course, advancing the Mastering Cardano series, and preparing an educational video about the constitutional committee.

Read the full article on cardano.org
The Cardano Foundation emphasizes innovation and research in blockchain technology. Their research paper, “MACS: A Multi-Asset Coin Selection Algorithm for UTxO-based Blockchains,” presented at the 2023 IEEE International Conference on Blockchain, highlights the benefits of the MACS algorithm. MACS optimizes transaction fees, UTxO pool size, and user privacy, improving UTxO-based blockchains. Though tested in simulations, it shows promise for enhancing cost, speed, and privacy in blockchain transactions, with further real-world testing needed.

Read the full article on cardano.org
Blockchain education is evolving with increased mainstream interest and diverse learner backgrounds. Here are five trends:

Read the full article on cardano.org
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